All drinks are non-alcoholic.
Welcome to my studio. This is where I create all types of paper crafts and scrapbook pages to record the important moments in my family's life. I hope you enjoy looking around my studio.
All drinks are non-alcoholic.
Well its been a while since I posted. I have been soooo busy with work and other committments that Scrapbooking has been placed on the back burner, not completely forgotten but just sitting back and simmering.
I have worked on several recipe cards lately and am in the process of creating a book of baby's first. I also want to work on a small book for my dad for his birthday that just passed. I turned 72 last week. I can't believe that my wonderful father is 72 or even more shocking is that I will soon be 50, well okay in a few years, but still its there just looming in the not too distant future. But then you know the alternative to getting older is not anything I want to think about.
Will post some pictures soon.