I had an absolutely fabulous time at "Croppin in the 60s" last weekend. I had never been to a large mega crop before and loved every minute. I met some wonderful ladies that I can now call friends from Shreveport, New Orleans, Mississippi and East Texas. I was able to get a lot of pages done but now know that I need page kits prepared to get even more done.
Here are a few pages I did....
This page is part of my husband's book. Its a picture of him at the camp in Toledo Bend during the late 80's. I know its hard to see, but I used silver thread for fishing line.

This is another page in his book. Its his first date. The Journaling reads:
Who: Russell and Shirley
What: Russell's First Date
When: April 1964.
Where: Rayne, Louisiana
Funny thing about this layout is he is going on his first date and I'm only 4 years old.

This layout is my favorite, however, Im stuck on what to title it. Its pictures of my husband's hands. I love his hands, so gentle. He is holding hands with the grandbaby and the other he is patting the grandbaby's bottom as he napped.
Someone help me with a title. If your title is chosen, I will send you some scissor jewelry. So, leave me a commend with a title and your email address and I will chose one I like.
You have until next Wednesday, June, 18th to inspire me with a title.