I have finally found some much needed down time in the studio. It has been so very hectic with Mardi Gras and our trip to Disney. School is winding down, the days are getting longer and I am getting back into the swing of scrapping. I have several 4 day crops planned in the next couple of months. I have been jotting down ideas for layouts and trying to get everything together into page kits. We will see how it works, but knowing me, I'm a fly by the seat of my pants kinda scrapper so planning page kits is beyond my comfort zone.
On to my latest projects.

I have been wanting to do this layout for months. I saw a button tree on the internet and loved it so I adapted the design by adding a few pictures of my ancestors and came up with a family tree. The pictures are of my Parents and Grandparents. I'm about 4 and Mom says the photo was taken on Easter Sunday.

This is the third time I have created layout using this photo of my grandparents. I did a two page layout last summer for myself, and a shadow box similar to the one above for my dad for Father's Day. Well over the Christmas holidays, my aunt saw it and fell in love with it, so I told her I would make one for her. It will be shipping out this weekend.

This was created for a co-worker who snort whenever she laughs, which in turn makes me laugh. Anyway, I saw this saying in a magazine and decided it was perfect for her. I cut the letter out using my circut.

I have some other photos I need to post, but for now I'm signing off and heading to dreamland.